This school year, Caddo will continue to offer newly hired certified educators a $1,000 signing bonus! Interested educators can meet with a recruiter in person this Wednesday, July 13, from 9am to 11am OR 1pm to 3pm.
Bring your resume and a friend to 3908 Joplin Avenue to the Wanda Gunn Professional Development Center.
You can also register for a call if you cant be there in person by clicking here: https://rebrand.ly/RR2022
For more information, please email teachcaddo@caddoschools.org

Caddo Schools recognizes this day as one of recognition, restoration and celebration! We hope you celebrate this day that represents freedom. #WeAreCaddo

Which summer programs are your children enrolled in? There's hundreds offered in Caddo Parish alone. For a list, follow this link to ensure your children's summer success! http://ow.ly/a3ab50JoInN #WeAreCaddo #SummerSuccess

8th Grade Graduation Monday, May 23, 2022
5th Grade Graduation Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Time is winding down to submit applications for the Caddo Teaching Academy! If you are interested in earning a teaching certification, let us know! Email Teachcaddo@caddoschools.org or visit https://hr.caddoschools.org/caddo-teaching-academy/ for more info. #BIGDreamsStartHere