Our mission is to provide an effective, quality instructional program in a safe, orderly learning environment for all students to ensure they become productive, prosperous citizens in our society.
Our vision is to ensure that students read, write, and problem solve & demonstrate social emotional skills proficiently in all areas of the school.

Work for the Best, Accept Only the Best,
Be the Very, Very Best!

Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year
We are excited to welcome our new and returning families to Walnut Hill! Each year brings about new experiences and growth. As we approach a new school year, we remain committed to ensuring all students are provided a quality, enjoyable educational experience. We look forward to creating experiences that will provide our students with lasting memories and the skills necessary to become productive citizens. Let us continue to strengthen our partnership as we work together to make certain all students are successful in achieving their academic goals. EXCELLENCE IS OUR GOAL!
Lynette Hampton, Principal

School Wide Positive Behavior Supports

At Walnut Hill our students are TRRFC!
T.R.R.F.C. Character Traits:
Trustworthiness - Be honest, don't cheat or steal. Do the right thing. Be reliable and loyal.
Respect - Treat others with respect. Use good manners, not bad language. Do not threaten, hit or harm anyone.
Responsibility - Do what you are supposed to do. Always do your best. Use self-control. Think before you act.
Fairness - Play by the rules. Take turns and share. Be open-minded; listen to others. Don't blame others carelessly.
Caring Citizens - Be kind. Be compassionate and show you care. Express gratitude. Forgive others. Help people in need. Do your share to make your school and community better. Cooperate. Obey laws and rules. Respect authority. Protect the environment
We Offer Quality Education